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4 April 2013

iStat Menus with CORE keygen v. 4.05

Official Web Site:

Keygen courtesy of C.O.R.E.

iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar.

Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of
your system.

What's New:

* Added CPU Core temperature sensors and CPU power sensors for
  some Sandy/Ivy Bridge based systems.

* Improved performance.

* Improved support for Cisco VPN connections.

* Fixed incorrect connection state problems with VPN connections.

* Fixed an issue where invalid/unsupported temperature sensors were
  being shown on some Macs.

* Fixed menubar time format problem if multiple hour tokens were

* Fixed issue that could lead to incorrect disk names being shown in
  disk activity.

* Fixed a display issue where upload and download graph colors were
   back to front in the Stacked mode in the Network menu.

System Requirements:

Intel Mac, OS X.6 or later

Download click [here]
2013-04-02 21:47:29 GMT
polisdavid VIP