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4 March 2013

Windows 7 SP1 AIO en-US DaRT8 USB3 IE10 NET45 Feb2013

This will not fit on a 4.37GiB Single-Layer DVDR
Use a Dual-Layer DVDR or a USB Flash drive

murphy78 presents Windows 7 AIO 24in1 x64 x86 en-US DaRT8 Feb2013
This AIO supports Windows Upgrade from previous Windows Versions.

Hotfixes included bring install current to Feb12 patch date
Internet Exporer 10 and USB3 Support Added!!!

No Windows 7 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Unattended Settings were added to the installation.
No Registry Settings were modified.

Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 8 included in boot options.
Features include System File Scan, Recovery, Backup restore,
Offline hotfix removal, disk cleaning and repartitioning, etc.
(Thank anarchist9027 for this AIO addition)

64-bit Sources:
X17-59465.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59337.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso (MSDN Media Refresh)
_EnterpriseN-GRMCNENXVOL_EN_DVD.iso (WZT Enterprise N Media Refresh leak)

32-bit Sources:
X17-59463.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59335.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677710.iso (MSDN Media Refresh)
_EnterpriseN-GRMCNENVOL_EN_DVD.iso (WZT Enterprise N Media Refresh leak)

Media Refesh versions are SP1 versions with an ascii fix (KB2534111)

Installation Indexes:
Windows 7 Starter SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Starter SP1 32-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 32-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Professional N SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Enterprise N SP1 32-bit
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 64-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Professional N SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit Pre-Activated
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit
Windows 7 Enterprise N SP1 64-bit

Release File:
Size: 6.08GiB
CRC32: 106543BF
MD5: C286EB55C5C9BE6C79C1D760EA8BF4AF
SHA-1: 10D31AB45E4E2204E2371A5380959590721C0E01

Language: en-US (English - United States)

Tools used:
Josh Cell Softwares AIO Maker 1.3 for sources split Windows Upgrade
MS Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 8 (Thanks anarchist9027)
imagex for image compression and export
dism for MSU KB hotfix integration
oscdimg for ISO mastering
Added Info folder to installs to make more work for credit thieves.

For KB File Integrated list, see text files included.

setupcomplete.cmd phase:
KB2758694 (xml4 exe only hotfix)
KB2533552 (online only update)
dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64 (Adds Net4.5 Post-Oct9 Redist)
KB2737083, KB2742613, KB2750147, KB2789648 (Net45 Hotfixes)
mpas-fe (Feb2013 Defender Updates)
KB890830-v4.17 (Recent Malicious software removal tool)
(WinLoader2.2.1 and reboot if Pre-Activated Index)

Versions you can activate with Volume-KMS are:
Windows 7 Pro, Windows 7 Pro N,
Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Enterprise N

Pro and Pro N are from a retail image, so they will need conversion
if you plan on using an offline KMS activator. KMSpico does this
automatically, but I recommend either using Windows Loader or MTK241.
Windows Loader is permanent activation, and MTK241 is damn near flawless contains KMSpico_v4 and MTK241. Use pico if you
need to convert Pro or Pro N to volume versions. MTK241 works perfectly
fine for activating Enterprise and Ent N. You can most likely use
MTK241 after you have converted with KMSpico on Pro and Pro N if you
don't like the little screen blips when you log on.

Note that KMSpico currently does not use a banned KMS Server ePID, but
it would be bad form for me to recommend using KB971033 anyway. I have
included scripts to either disable the validation tasks if you have it
installed, or to uninstall KB971033. KB971033 does a call-back feature
to check your activation and see if it is blacklisted. KB971033 does
not currently detect Windows Loader, but that could potentially change.
If you install on another person's computer I recommend hiding KB971033
from the windows update list so they don't have to deal with it.

Changes from recent Windows 7 x64 and x86 releases:
-Info folder moved to Windows_Setup_Info
-Added IE10 and USB3 drivers to Boot and Install Indexes.
USB Drivers Include:
Asmedia 104x
If you use some other Chipset for your USB that you think I should
add next month, let me know. Note that most manufacturers use one
of those 4 chipsets, and you should only let me know if it isn't
currently working for you. This was not intended to cover everybody.
Some people with obscure cards or chipsets I'll never cover.

(Thanks to CODYQX4 and heldigard for their KMS Activators,
I didn't ask permission for both our sakes)
Enjoy Pirates,
murphy78-TPB :)
Download click [here]
2013-03-01 11:33:05 GMT
murphy78 Trusted