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21 March 2013

Mathworks Matlab R2013a (8.01) Windows x32 & x64

What's New in R2013a (more details, but in English)
ΓÇó MATLAB : Unit Test framework for the MATLAB Language
ΓÇó Financial Instruments Toolbox : Calibration and Monte Carlo Simulation for Hull-White, Linear Gaussian and LIBOR Market Models
ΓÇó Image Processing Toolbox : Image segmentation using active Contours, Generation C code for 10 functions, and GPU acceleration for 11 Functions
ΓÇó Image Acquisition Toolbox : Kinect for Windows sensor Support for Acquiring Images, Depth maps, and skeleton Data
ΓÇó Statistics Toolbox : Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for binary Classification, PCA Algorithms for Data missing, and Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit Test
ΓÇó Data Acquisition Toolbox : Support Package for Digilent Analog Design Discovery Kit
ΓÇó Vehicle Network Toolbox : Support for Accessing XCP on CAN Bus ECUs
ΓÇó Communications System Toolbox : Sphere Decoder and Constellation Diagram System Objects
ΓÇó Computer Vision System Toolbox : Viola-Jones object Detection Training, FREAK feature extraction, and new Other Functions
ΓÇó DSP System Toolbox : Spectrum Analyzer and Logic Analyzer Triggering scopes and scopes of time
ΓÇó Phased Array System Toolbox : Polarization Support, array tapers, and apps for sensor array Analysis, waveform Analysis, and Radar equation calculation. Simulink ΓÇó Simulink : Simulation Performance Advisor, masking of linked Library Blocks, and active variant Control Via Logical expressions ΓÇó SimRF : Circuit Envelope Simulation solver for fast load time and model ΓÇó SimMechanics : Published XML schema for Importing Models from CAD and Other Systems ΓÇó Simulink Design Verifier : Array out-of-Bounds checking ΓÇó Simulink Coder : Reduced Data Copies for Simulink Functions Called from Stateflow ΓÇó Fixed-Point Designer : A new Product That Combines the Functionality of Fixed-Point Toolbox and simulink Fixed Point ΓÇó Verifier HDL : HDL testbench Generation from MATLAB

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2013-03-18 06:19:56 GMT